Go beyond Excellence.

Go for Purposeful Impact!

Strategic Brand & Culture Consulting

I am Leonie, and I help organisations positively impact people, planet & profit.

As an experienced freelance purpose strategist in Berlin, I like to work with leaders and organisations that want to transition to a more responsible and regenerative way of working and can use an expert to guide that change journey.

A strong purpose can help you stand out authentically, create loyal customers, and attract the best talent to your organisation. It helps you to connect on a deeper level with your audiences that goes beyond excellence. Therefore, purpose and profit are inseparable.  

leonie scholten portrait hand

I help organisations to lead from purpose for positive impact on people, planet and profit.

Curious what I could do for your business? Contact me directly!

Purposeful Growth

Beyond excellence...

Your product or service solves important issues for your customers. This is why you are successfully in business and why talent likes working for you.

There is just one problem. Competition is strong and it is a constant fight to be ahead of the business game. To keep and grow your customer base. And to make sure the best people will work for you. On top of that, all of your powerful features, can (and will!) ultimately be copied by others.

What can not be copied is who you are as an organisation. Your unique story. Your purpose. 

...lies Purposeful impact

Transactional business is a battle for attention in the external world. Purposeful business is a battle for internal conscious decision making. Different thinking, beliefs and leadership skills are required. That’s why I also offer leadership and performance coaching in organisations.

The only way you can lead a purposeful business is when you act authentically – walk the talk.

As your purpose consultant, it is my mission to help you navigate the full breath of changes required. From uncovering your purpose to walking it. 

A selection of my portfolio

What I can do for your organisation

As an experienced freelance purpose strategist in Berlin, I help organisations positively impact people, planet & profit.


Envision the potential for your business. 

Most organisations have a clarified a mission, vision and core values for their organisation. Some even pinpointed a purpose statement.

However, in the hassle of everyday reality, these documents often end up with a layer of dust. Short term thinking wins over long term vision.

That is such a shame! Because winning businesses of the future are always one step ahead of time today.


I identify or simply dust off your business purpose, and (re)align leaders on a clear future direction for the long term success of the organisation. 


> Market oppertunity discovery.  A research based methodology to discover what would be a relevant purpose territory for your business. Storytelling is key to my methodology – I am happy to tell you more about my approach. Where can you make a real difference and touch the hearts of clients and talent?

> Brand positioning. Development of your brand story, brand manifesto and a crystal clear brand positioning framework. 

> Compass sessions. Where leaders come together and (re)align along the why, your northstar, how, your unique brand positioning and culture, and what, your competitive market definition, to set course for the business.  



Clarify roadblocks and create change for good. 

So you have set a clear ambition for the future of the business. But is the organisation ready to act on this ambition?

This is a critical phase. Yet one that gets or stepped over too quickly, too often. Because identifying pain-points can be, well, painful.

Nevertheless, the only route to success is by identifying possible obstacles, so they can get resolved through change.


I put my finger on organisational issues, and help to change rusty perspectives and ways of working that are not serving the bigger purpose. 


> Culture assessment. What is the talk, what is the walk? Understanding how purpose and values are seen in action on an everyday basis. Gain insights in cultural strengths, and opportunities for growth.

Purpose commitments. Do’s and don’ts guideline setting for every department. Because all that is happening within the organisation should be in line with your purpose.

> Leadership development. Coaching and leadership skill building for the captains of your business. They will lead the change. 


Act on purpose – internally and externally.

You are clear on your strategic direction, you have set up the organisation for success. Now the only thing left is starting the flying wheel!

Sounds simple and is simple! You have done the groundwork to deliver upon purpose through inspiration and creativity. 

Both internally and externally, what are powerful ideas to act in-line with purpose? Ideas can come from unexpected places!


I create momentum for people to share their ideas, and I empower talent to take ownership and make impact in line with your purpose.


Purpose activation. Creative workshops across teams to embed the purpose in everyday thinking and working. These engage people on all levels of the organisation. And they are a way to spark creative ideas on how to act on purpose.

> Professional development coaching. Empower your talent through coaching and establish a balanced and fulfilled, high performing team. Read more about it.

"I help you transform from being excellent in performance, into being loved for what you do and who you are." 

About me

My passion for purpose started early on in my career. Back in early 2010, when the concept was relatively new in business, I joined a global brand consultancy and specialised in Purposeful Branding. From my hometown Amsterdam and from New York, I worked for some of the world’s biggest brands and organisations.

In January 2018 I changed from corporate to start-up, and joined the birthing process of BUNK Hotels, a purposeful and radically different hotel concept. Here I built brand and marketing from the ground up. In this year I also did the intensive Co-Active coaching training to help people to grow and lead from their essence. 

Today, I’m a certified Professional Co-Active Coach and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation  As an experienced freelance purpose strategist in Berlin, I like to work with leaders and organisations that want to transition to a more responsible and regenerative way of working and can use an expert to guide that change journey. Holding the space for change is what I love most. 

leonie scholten portrait

Schedule a call with me!


How I work

I have a pragmatic, hands-on approach. I start with listening to your needs and will propose a clear step by step approach that matches your need, ambition and budget.

I work in co-creation with the key decision makers in your teams. I’m not your advisor, I’m your partner. 

I use my analytical and emotional skills in the job. Factual data only tells us part of the story. It’s when we read between the lines and listen to what is really being said, that we find deeper insight. This is why I believe in the power of storytelling. Stories are data with a soul! 

"Purposeful impact lies beyond excellence.
Ready to step it up?"